Complaints and Dispute Resolution

Last updated on 28-06-2023

Complaints Procedure

  1. AMB strives for the highest possible customer satisfaction. If the Customer is dissatisfied with the services provided, they should notify AMB in writing as soon as possible.
  2. AMB will respond to the complaint in writing as soon as possible and no later than 14 working days after receipt. If more time is needed to investigate the complaint, AMB will inform the Customer with an indication of the timeframe within which a response can be expected.

Dispute Resolution

  1. If a dispute arises from AMB's services, the parties will make efforts to resolve the dispute through mutual consultation.
  2. If the dispute cannot be resolved within a reasonable time, it may be submitted to a competent dispute resolution committee or mediator, as agreed between AMB and the Customer.
  3. The costs and fees related to the dispute resolution are borne by the party found to be at fault, unless otherwise agreed.

Applicable Law

This complaints and dispute resolution procedure and all disputes arising from it are governed by Dutch law.

Oudehaske, last updated on 28-06-2023.

Arjen Bakker
AMB Technical Services
Jousterweg 203
8465PE Oudehaske
the Netherlands